diy Peppermint Sugar Scrub

During the holidays, I love making gifts that recipients always appreciate receiving. One of my favorites is Peppermint Sugar Scrub. You will be surprised how cost-effective and quick this little gift is to make! Today I used a four-ounce mason jar, but I’ve also put sugar scrub in a smaller mason jar as a party favor.

Image of peppermint sugar scrub.


The cool thing about this DIY gift is that it works just as well as the expensive scrubs that boutiques sell! And nothing says Christmas like the smell of peppermint!


3/4 cup sugar
1/4 coconut oil (or more to achieve desired consistency), heated to soften
red food coloring
Peppermint essential oil

peppermint sugar scrub


Combine the sugar and the coconut oil in a bowl. Add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil, and about four drops of red food coloring. Mix well and pour into jar. That’s all there is to it!

Peppermint Sugar Scrub

I created a cute label that I’d love to share with you.

Image of peppermint sugar scrub.


Download your free peppermint sugar scrub label here.

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Label Printable

After you glue your label on the lid, tie a pretty ribbon around the jar and your gift is ready. What easy homemade gifts have you made?


Pinterest image of peppermint sugar scrub.


Andrea Tabler |


Andrea Tabler


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  1. Totally cute idea ( I may make this for myself! )


  2. I love this! Thanks for a great gift idea!

  3. This is fantastic. My 13 year old daughter and I both give gifts to 4 or 5 friends and this is so cute. I love to exfoliate so right up my alley! And thanks for thinking of the labels. You are getting so good at your blog– love it!

  4. What a fantastic gift idea!

  5. Very cute idea! I can almost smell it 😉 Stopping by from Wine’d Down Wednesday, thanks for sharing!

  6. This is awesome. I would love it if you would share this at my party on Welcome to the Woods Wednesday ( It will be up a going on Tuesday evening. Hope to see you there.

  7. What a great gift idea! I love peppermint, and it looks like it makes the perfect scrub! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thanks for coming and linking up at The Weekend Social. Please be sure to come back next week starting Thursdays at 9PM EST The Midnight Baker! I hope to see you there!

  9. Love this! And I love the labels, too. So cute! When I clicked on link, though, the “JOY” label appeared. Help!

    • Jill- thanks for the compliments and for letting me know about the labels! I’ll fix it now. xoxo

  10. Thanks for sharing this on the Merry Monday Party. I love how simple this is and will be featuring it in a DIY roundup.

  11. Mmmm. This looks so amazing. I may make an extra batch so I can have some for myself.


  1. […] Monday, I created a homemade Peppermint Sugar Scrub with a free printable label. It smells like Christmas! Plus it makes my hands SO SOFT! This is such […]

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