30 Days of Marriage Prayers — Join the challenge and watch what happens!
It’s so hard to believe that it’s been a year since the wedding of my youngest, Trevor, to his precious bride, Rachel. He knew almost from the moment he met her that she was the girl of his dreams, his soul mate for life. Goodness, look at his face when he caught his first glimpse of her walking down the aisle to him on his wedding day!My oldest, Patrick, knew the same thing when he first met his high school sweetheart, Shandi. So sweet!
Tom and I always prayed that our two boys would marry girls who love them unconditionally, who are godly, kind, affectionate and patient. Patrick and Trevor married lovely young ladies with all those qualities plus more! And we are so blessed that these girls are our DAUGHTERS! We all just fit when we’re together. And that’s awesome!
Another thing Tom and I prayed for and tried to teach our boys is to pray for their marriage. Certainly marriage can be HARD at times! I’ve been married long enough to know that when I’m in a season that feels like perfect, wedded bliss, there is certain to be more bliss a new challenge around the corner. That’s just how it is when two imperfect people commit to live out life together.
I’m convinced that God blesses our marriage when we pray for it… and for our spouse. So today I’m sharing 30 days of prayers for your marriage and challenging you (and me!) to follow through with this for the next 30 days. Just one word per day. One word on which to focus and think about. Then let’s watch and see what happens!
You can download the free printable following this list. Post it on your fridge or bathroom mirror as a reminder!
30 Days of Marriage Prayers Challenge
1) Unity
2) Patience
3) Purpose
4) Thankfulness
5) Affection
6) Transparency
7) Forgiveness
8) Joy
9) Fun
10) Gentleness
11) Faithfulness
12) Parenting
13) Faith
14) Health
15) Selflessness
16) Finances
17) Hobbies
18) Respect
19) Serving
20) Communication
21) Compromise
22) Laughter
23) Children
24) Godliness
25) Peace
26) Honor
27) Friendship
28) Wisdom
29) Future
30) Grace
Friends, I do hope you download this printable and put it someplace visible for the next 30 days! Please comment below if you’re joining the challenge. And for extra credit, pray together! Then be sure to check back and share later. There’s power in prayer. 🙂

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If I can remember to go back and print this when I’m home (in Waco now) I’m taking the challenge! Love the simplicity of it. Thanks, Andrea!
Thank you, Debbie! Love and miss you SO MUCH!