Are there bible verses for bloggers? You bet there are! The bible is full of wisdom and encouragement for everything a blogger does, day in and day out. I, for one, want my work to align with God’s work, whether I’m blogging about style, entertaining, travel or anything else! How about you? If you want a dose of encouragement from the Lord regarding your commitment to — and passion for — blogging, then read these seven bible verses that bless bloggers… words of the very first Creator!
“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they may stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Psalm 37:23-24
“Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” Ephesians 6:7
God calls us all to live with purpose. This includes how we spend our days and what we write, regardless of the topic. Can you write about a recipe or DIY project and be blogging with purpose? Of course! We can blog to inspire, encourage, teach and bless others, regardless of topic. The Lord says he will direct our paths (our purpose and our plans), and that he delights in every detail (our passions!) of our lives. How awesome is that? Writing with purpose starts with your seeking the Lord’s plans for your life’s work. This means remembering the why behind what you do, and it takes single-minded focus on a daily basis. The world of blogging and social media is filled with bunny trails going off in every direction imaginable. It’s so easy to get distracted, and focusing on my ultimate purpose keeps me heading down the path God has placed before me.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10
God is the original creator, and he has given you his gift of creativity to share with others! As a blogger myself, I know that some days my mind is bursting with ideas for my blog. Other days I feel doubtful and stuck. That’s when I turn to his words about me and creativity. I love that he calls me his masterpiece. He created me to do good things with the unique gifts he gave Andrea. I don’t need to feel the pressure to be as creative as some other bloggers I follow. I just need to create what he gives me and how he leads me. And when I feel stuck? I can rest assured that the great Creator will give me the creativity I need for the day.
“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another… Do it with all the strength and energy God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 4:10, 11
“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Every woman needs encouragement, and I believe the Lord has called me and you to be encouragers! Think of it this way… When you write about a project or recipe, you just might be encouraging a woman who is insecure about her creativity or her ability to cook. When you write about style, you may offer solutions to a mom who doesn’t have time to think about what to wear to an event next week. When you write about a travel experience, you may offer hope to a couple with young children… that they, too, will enter a stage of life that involves adventure or leisure.
Since starting my blog in August of 2014, I’ve been so pleasantly surprised at the encouragement I receive from other bloggers! I return, I try to take time daily to comment on and share the posts of other bloggers who bless and inspire me. Let’s cheer each other on in this journey!
“But the wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others. It is always fair and honest. People who work for peace in a peaceful way plant a good crop of right-living.” James 3:17-18
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.” James 1:5
I yearn for God’s wisdom in everything I do. The verses above remind me why it’s critical for me to do this daily. I don’t want to rely on my own wisdom… no, I want the Lord’s! I love that his wisdom is peaceful, gentile and easy to please. Such a contrast to how I feel when I try to rely on my own wisdom! The same is true with the sentence that follows that one. How awesome that his wisdom is always ready to help the troubled and do good for others! If I take a hard look at myself, I have to admit that this doesn’t describe me when I’m stressed and allowing busy-ness to rule my life. How about you? Here’s the coolest thing. The Lord describes the characteristics of his wisdom, and then he tells us just how to get it. Does it involve working more hours? Reading more books? Listening to the current whims of society? Nope. All you and I need to do is ask our generous God, and he is willing to grant it. How awesome is THAT?!!! Knowing that he tells me the kind of wisdom he offers and how to get it takes so much pressure off of me. It gives me freedom to create and to write. That’s the wisdom I want!
Have you ever sought after God’s word for encouragement in blogging? If so, please share in the comments below!

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Thanks so much for sharing this. I really enjoyed reading it. Very inspirational.
very inspiring! thank you and God bless
I couldn’t agree more. I feel so blessed to be a blogger. I feel as though I am able to fulfill a purpose and plan God has for me in encouraging and inspiring others with my blog. Thanks so much for sharing these really great bible verses as confirmation. Blessings to you.
This is such an uplifting post- and so insightful. Thanks for sharing at ‘Tell em Tuesday’!
xoxo K
Thank you so much!
Wonderful post! It’s always good to remember some basics to guide our blogging hands :). Great advice!
I am always in awe how the Lord directs my blog writing when I seek Him and His Word. I will look at the finished product and “wonder how it got there”. God is so faithful to answer us when we diligently seek Him.
I very much appreciated the encouragement I received from the verses you shared to encourage bloggers.
Thank you for sharing! I think we all need that reminder sometimes, that what we do (whatever it may be, blogging, cleaning, being a friend)… that there is a higher purpose for it all. And that it can please the Lord. I enjoyed reading!
What a wonderful post! I’ve never thought about blogging from a biblical perspective– I love what you had to share!
What a great reminder!! Saving this when I need a little encouragement when it comes to blogging. THanks!
Love this, Andrea! Such a sweet post 🙂
BreAnna | Crafty Coin
Real Food on a Real Budget
Absolutely loved this, Andrea!! Thanks so much!
amen sister – I love this so much. When I am reading my bible I always try to read from an angle…meaning looking at the word from a certain viewpoint. How does His words relate to parenting?, marriage?, hospitality?…whatever my angle is that day, but I haven’t read it from the blogging perspective. These verses are great! thank you for reminding me to search the word for encouragement in ALL that I do!
found you on Titus 2 Tuesdays!
Thank you so much for this, dear blogosphere friend! I needed this today and I am so thankful that God used you.
I found you on the Home Matters Link-up.
Kristin // The Peculiar Treasure
I like how you grouped together verses into the purpose of blogging! Great idea that inspires! Got you from the Lakeshore Drive. Pinned this too!
This looks so incredible! Pinned and tweeted. Please join us on Monday at 7 pm and party with us! It is so super fun to see what you have been working on! Lou Lou Girls
I so needed these this morning! Thanks so much for sharing these with us!
Christie ~ Sparkles of Sunshine
Thank you for these. I had never thought of blogging in this way before. What a lovely positive post x
I love this! I truly believe the Bible has something to say about everything in life, and I love how you’ve collected these. This was just the encouragement I needed today. Pinning, and now following on Instagram!
Thank you, Meredith!
This is so cool! Pinning this to reference for future encouragement and guidance. Thank you for this! Visiting from Titus 2 Tuesday 🙂
Lovely inspiration!! Thank you for linking up at the Home Matters Party.
Hi there, this is awesome and it speaks to me! thanks for sharing!
Wow, I love this! Many times what I do is to bless other bloggers. Never thought there were scriptures to back this up. Yipee!
Thank you so much for this! Some days are just harder than others and it’s good to remember what God has to say to us. I am pinning this so I can refer back to it whenever I need it. I am visiting from Idea Box Thursday today.
Loved this line the best: “I love that he calls me his masterpiece. He created me to do good things with the unique gifts he gave Andrea.” Thank you for your uplifting post!
This is such a great collection! I’ve never seen anyone put together something like this for bloggers….how original! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Merry Monday! Pinned!
Andrea, I love this so much- thank you! I do believe we are here- not just blogging here, but on earth here- to help each other. I love how you made it specific to blogging, though! My Grandmother used to pray, “Please let me help someone today.” Thank you for writing this, and then for sharing it with us at Treasure Box Tuesday. Pinning so others can find it, too. 🙂
Thanks for your encouraging words! Hope your week is blessed!
So true to remember to ask God for his wisdom. I have met some wonderful bloggers who try to help as much as possible. Thanks so much for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty
Here from #HomeMattersPArty
These are so encouraging. I started my blog last Aug. too! Yours is so pretty. Mine is still very basic.
I added a plan of salvation to my post the Fri before Easter. I was nervous, because my blog is about being a slob. But I really felt the Lord laid it on my heart to share salvation. Now, I’ll have to be more intentional about sharing God more often.
Thank you
AWESOME post! I pray for wisdom in this blogging gig every day. It’s so easy to get caught up in it, but keeping focus on faith is what it should ultimately be about. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I needed this today. 🙂
Lauren, thank you for your encouraging words!
Andrea, this was absolutely beautiful and encouraging. The exact words I need right now in my life through blogging and pursuing a career in Interior Design. I have doubted myself in the last few days, Though the steps are there I doubt my wisdom and knowledge and whether I am making the right moves and decisions. This has made me realize I am not leaning enough on our Lord. Sharing this and saving this for when I need the encouragement.
Deb- I’m so glad this was an encouragement to you! May God bless your day!
I love this Andrea. Thank you so much for being bold and sharing God’s Word. We started blogging the same month!
Thank you so much, Melinda!
I love this!!!
Thank you, Jessa! xoxo
Sorry…sent my comments to your contact message by accident! 🙂 Comment: LOVE this, Andrea! So nice to discover your site! I am tweeting, pinning, and sharing! This is wonderful! I love the Scripture and your amazing encouragement. It’s so true that we can drive ourselves crazy thinking we need to do more, more, more….social media, reading, etc. We need to rest in Him if we are truly following His lead. I also started my own blog (this time…I also blogged while living in the South Pacific) in Aug 2014. Blessings from Bonnie at Espressos of Faith!
This post is very encouraging. Thank you Andrea.
Great post and encouraging! Gives me direction about my blogging! Blessings! I’m visiting you from Saturday Soiree Link up
thank you for your time and involvement in spreading your faith in a time of little faith. I found your words by no search of my own yet at a moment of extreme need there it was Thank you and may God bless you for another life you touched
What a fabulous post! This was just what I needed to hear as I’ve just started a blog (ditching an old and somewhat successful one) to begin anew. Thank you for bringing the word of God to us in this post. So much good in here!
I just LOVE this post! I’m sharing for sure! I saw you on the Moonlight and Mason Jar linky party and decided to check out your blog! I LOVE IT!!!
Thanks so much, Bianca!!!
Thanks for sharing. Very inspirational.
God has given us verses for everything to hold close to our hearts. I don’t know what I would do without God working in my life. Thank you so much for sharing this article