My journey to living an intentional life!
Just a few, short, months ago, I found myself feeling frustrated at the end of most days — especially on Fridays, as the work week ended. I would start each week with specific goals and intentions, but I consistently felt there wasn’t enough time to achieve what was most important to me.
So I took a good, long look at my life and whether I was living out my life priorities. And the answer was NO! I realized I needed to re-examine my life purpose, my passions, and my priorities and then create a system that would ensure I live these out each and every day.
I set out to change my way of life from allowing perceived urgencies and emergencies dictate the focus of my attention to making sure my passions and purpose determine where my time is spent.
During that time, I became VERY intentional. For instance, you may have noticed I’ve been posting much less frequently on the blog. That’s because I knew in my heart what I wanted to accomplish, and I was willing to (temporarily, at least) post less often in order to achieve my goal.
The tools and accountability system I created have radically changed my life! Once I realized that I really could live out my personal priorities, I knew I wanted to share how I do it with YOU!
I’m so excited to reveal this “baby” I’ve been working on for a couple of months because I know in my heart this plan and its tools can help you, too!
Are you ready?
Introducing My Intentional Life Planner.
My Intentional Life Planner will provide you with the tools you need to identify the WHAT you are living for and the HOW to do that in a simple, user-friendly way. I take you through the process of understanding your Primary Priorities and establishing your Pivotal Goal (the one you’ll work towards for the next 30-90 days.) Then, my daily planning page, My Intentional Day, will help you to put what you’ve learned into practice each and very day. {Get your free download of the My Intentional Day daily planning page here!}
My Intentional Life Planner will help you to stay focused on your purpose, passions and priorities regardless of what they might be or your stage of life. One person’s Primary Priority this year might be building financial security, while for others it might be improved physical health or their relationship with their spouse. Regardless of your specific priority, this plan will give you the tools and skills you need to accomplish what’s most important to you. (Be sure to check out this post that shares exactly how I’ve used this plan in my own life each and every day.)
I found that a big part of the secret of living intentionally was in this process. But I soon discovered that I also needed a way to keep clutter and chaos at bay. I needed more organization. I needed more space and more peace in my daily living.
So I created more than 45 printables to fit into a binder along with my goal and priorities tools, daily planning sheets, and calendar. Each printable helps me to stay organized and on top of the clutter and chaos that used to thwart my attempts at living intentionally.
Like meal planning, finances, cleaning, home organization and more.
Here’s what My Intentional Life Planner includes:
To use all these handy organizational sheets, simply print on 8 1/2 by 11 paper, punch your holes, and place in your favorite binder. I’ve even included a page to print out pretty tabs for your section dividers.
Tomorrow, I’ll take you on a tour of my binder, more of what it includes, and how I’ve used it to live with more intention and purpose, achieve my Pivotal Goals and reduce the overwhelm in my life.
To see more details now, head over to the My Intentional Life Planner information page.
If you already know you need this… LIKE REALLY NEED THIS NOW!… then go to my Shop and get it today!
Click here to learn how I’ve used this plan in my own life each and every day.
Cheers to Your Intentional Life!

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This is such an exciting time for you. Congratulations. And what a great product, too. I’m going to look into it.
Thank you!
Andrea! All I can say is Wow, Wow and Wow, I love it!!! I love the color, I love the style, I need this NOW!!
Rowena, that’s so sweet! Thank you so much for checking it out. It has tremendously helped my efforts to live life with more intention and purpose!
This is not only beautiful but it really looks like a great system! Have you considered condensing it down to the smaller size that is so popular in the planner world right now? Considering purchasing this!
I just love posts like these! They’re so motivating!. 🙂 Thanks for linking up with us at Welcome Home Wednesdays, hope to see you link up again today!
Thank you ever so much for sharing your motivation and inspiration with Thoughts Of Home On Thursday!
Hope to see you again this Thursday at 6:00 a.m CST