I know… we all start thinking about organization and productivity on about, well, yeah… January 1st! But NOVEMBER and DECEMBER? I find that these two months can suck my productivity in a way I don’t find to be true any other months of the year! Exercise? Forget it. Time daily in God’s word? Sometimes. Keeping on track with my goals and daily to-do list? Um… probably not.
You see, so many things are competing for my attention during the holiday months. And I bet the same is true for you as well! There are typically family get-togethers and travel, treats to be made, presents, to buy, and hosting big holiday gatherings at my home (which I LOVE, but which also sends my creative ideas into overload).
I simply don’t have the time to prioritize and organize my life in a way that I normally do.
This year, I’m trying something new. I’m being incredible intentional and deliberate about how I spend each and every day! Here’s my plan for the holidays this year. Hope it inspires and encourages you!
Five Ways to Increase My Productivity During the Holidays
1) Starting the day with God’s word. I know in my heart that days started with the Bible are my best days by far. I’m committed this year to doing that every single day of the holidays. I’m going to be reading a little from Psalms or Proverbs on a daily basis. Then I’m going to ask the Lord to let the words sink into my heart and to show me how to best apply the principles to my life.
2) Exercise. I know I need to do some sort of work out every day. I think I’m setting myself up for failure if that’s my goal between Thanksgiving and New Years. So I’m shooting for three, maybe four, one-hour workouts a week. And it needs to be in the morning. Hiking and jogging are my two favorite ways to work out during our lovely, desert fall and winter seasons! If I’m feeling really behind on life on a particular day, I’m going to remember that I just need to keep moving… even if only for a half an hour! I need to move to keep my energy and productivity up. I know that, come January, I’ll be so happy that I didn’t just let exercise slide during the holidays.
3) Eliminate the Non-Essential. It seems like the busier I get in any particular week, the less likely I am to properly use my daily and weekly to-do lists. And it’s those very weeks when I need structure the most! Every day of the next six weeks, I’m committed to starting and ending my day by going over the list, prioritizing, and focusing on what’s most important. I think the key here is eliminating from the schedule EVERYTHING that is not essential during these months.
4) Proper Diet. It’s easier to grab fast food for lunch during the holidays. I also tend to eat less healthy, fresh food than I normally do. My plan for the holidays this year is to make sure that when I go to bed Sunday night, my fridge is filled with fresh ingredients for lunches and dinners during the week. I’ll also plan each weekend to make at least one big crockpot full of something healthy and yummy I can grab on super busy days.
5) Find Ways to Pour Myself into Others. I know I feel more balanced, positive, and full of gratitude when I’m blessing others. So whether it’s a phone call to an out-of-state friend or family member or offering water and a sandwich to someone in need, I’m going to find ways to live beyond my own selfish needs. When I do that, I get as much as — or more than — I give. Pouring myself into others has a way of centering me, taking my mind of my chaos, and looking at the world through God’s eyes!
I’m sure that your routines and commitments to increase productivity during the holidays will differ from mine. But I challenge you to think through the steps you can take to stay on track from now through New Year’s Day!
I recently discovered a really helpful and FREE resource to help me start off 2017 the right way. It’s an eBook from the AMAZING Michael Hyatt, and it’s called Achieve What Matters in 2017: The 8 Strategies Super-Successful People Are Using Now to Accomplish More Next Year.
In this eBook, 30+ well-known influencers all share the most important thing they do to set themselves up for a banner year.
It’s a who’s who of successful people — Tony Robbins, John Maxwell, Dave Ramsey, Chalene Johnson, Andy Andrews, and Michael Hyatt himself… plus more than 20 leaders.
Snag your copy of this eBook and get ready to have your best year ever!

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This really made me think about the how not be get derailed during the next 6 weeks. Thanks Andrea…..EASY to do with INTENTION!
Yes Medora! One day at a time, intentional and focused. 🙂